Account Settings

Modified on 2012/03/02 15:13 by mwilley Categorized as Uncategorized

Account Settings

The Account Settings page will give you access to your brand and user information.

Company Info

This is where all your company info is located which includes legal names, website URL, your company logo, and address information. This section will also identify the Contract Contact who will default to the brand Administrator.

Manage Users

From this tab the brand Administrator will have the option to add and edit users.
  • To add a new user: Start by clicking the Add User button at top left of the window.
  • Then identify the user's role and insert their email address. There are four different roles that can be assigned with the option to assign more than one role to a particular user:
    • Administrator manages all aspects of the brand, including publishing designs. This person has access to every function within the tool.
    • Design Manager will be able to uploads, edits and approves designs.
    • Order Manager has access to the Order Admin tool. Here they can manage orders which include viewing order details, requesting reprints and upgrading shipping.
    • Product Manager has access to that brands product offering. If you are an ezp Commerce partner then you will be able to activate and deactivate SKU as well as change pricing. If not, you will have access to the Product Catalog.

Once you have indentified the role for the user within that brand one of two things will happen.
  1. If they are a current user of the tool within another brand their information will pre-populate and you can Save User.
  2. If they are a new user to the tool you will need to fill in the remaining information and Save User.

Please note that the roles are assigned by brand. For example: User #1 can be an Order Manager for Brand A and at the same time be an Order Manager and a Design Manger for Brand B.

Builder Configuration

This tab will allow you to configure your builder by brand.

  • Deployment Key: This is the unique identifier of your builder script which is automatically assigned once your account it created.
  • Test Mode: When your account is in Test Mode any orders you place will be cancelled. These orders will not be fulfilled and will not show up in the Order Admin tool. Once you have completed and passed all test cases your account can be released from Test Mode.
  • ezp Commerce: If your checkout is hosted by ezprints you are identified as a ezp Commerce partner and this box will be checked.
  • Checkout URL: If you are an ezp Commerce partner you will need to specify the sub-domain where your checkout page will be hosted by ezprints. Typically and by default this is the Brand Name from the Company Info tab.
  • Continue Shopping URL: If you are an ezp Commerce partner you will need to provide a fully qualified URL of a page on your site where the user should be taken when the Continue Shopping button is clicked on the Checkout page or from the stand alone cart page.
  • Thank You URL: If you are an ezp Commerce partner you will need to provide a fully qualified URL of a page on your site where the user should be taken after checkout is complete. Typically this is the page where you have deployed the thank you app.

Advanced Options

  • Send Support Requests To: When the customer chooses to Contact Customer Support when viewing the Order History in the My Account module this is the email address where the support request is sent.
  • Send Confirmation Emails From: This is the email address from which Order and Ship confirmation emails are sent. is recommended and the default.

Customer Accounts

  • Shared Secret: You will use the shared secret guid to generate the signature for your user Token.
  • Hash Algorithm: The algorithm you will use to encode your signature. SHA256 is the recommended and the default.
  • Sideload Media Return URL: Integrate your customers photos from other sources such as Facebook or Flickr. Link to a page hosted on your sire where the user is after authorizing access to sideload media.

My Profile

This tab gives you access to your profile. Here you can change your password and update your name and contact number.