Integration FAQ

Modified on 2012/11/28 19:42 by jdibble — Categorized as: Uncategorized

This page answers a number of questions integrating partners often ask.


1. Will you notify me of a broken order?

Yes, you can subscribe to our failed notifications by providing us a URL to post these to. Add URL to notifications

2. What is an aspect ratio error?

When a customer is configuring a product using the ezpBuilder, it is recommended to our partners to use a smaller version of the print resolution photo in the builder to decrease load times. This smaller version of the photo must be the same aspect ratio and orientation as the print resolution photo. For example, if the print resolution photo is 8000 pixels wide by 10000 pixels high the screen resolution photo used by the builder might be 800 pixels wide by 1000 pixels high. However, if the screen resolution photo was 800 pixels wide by 950 pixels high it would be considered to have a different aspect ratio. Additionally, if the screen resolution was 800 pixels by 10000 pixels but the print resolution photo was submitted to our image collection service as being rotated on its side, or 10000 pixels wide and 8000 pixels high, we would also consider that an aspect ratio difference. If our rendering service detects a difference in the aspect ratio of the two image sizes it will throw an error because it can no longer accurately position the photo on the final rendered image in relation to how the customer configured it in the ezpBuilder.


1. How do I subscribe to event notifications?

You will need to provide EZPrints a URL and a list of events you would like to subscribe to. On successfully receiving a notification at the URL provided you should be able to respond with a "OK" in the beginning or "SUCCESS" anywhere in the response. More info at


1. I posted an order and do not see it in the order portal. Why?

Please allow 30 mins for your order to enter the portal. If 30 minutes have passed and you and have not received a failed notification from our system, please contact with the ezpReference number you receive on posting an order successfully to us.


1. Which shipping methods offers end to end tracking?

All of the shipping methods (FC, PM, SD and ON) can ship via a method that offers end to end tracking, but not all methods do. Currently, only SD and ON guarantee end to end tracking. FC and PM only utilize end to end trackable services for larger orders where the trackable service ends up being the least expensive option.


1. Where is the builder hosted?

The builder is hosted on Amazon's EC2 cloud servers.

2. How are projects stored? When do our projects expire?

All projects are represented by a Project ID that is a GUID. Projects are stored as XML on EZPrints' databases. All projects are guaranteed to be maintained for at least 90 days.

3. Where do you store images uploaded using the upload service you provide?

Images uploaded from our provided service are stored securely on Amazon's Simple Storage Service, also known as Amazon S3. The upload generates three sizes of images - original resolution, screen resolution, and thumbnail.

4. How does the Builder access albums on my site?

When configuring the ezpBuilder to load on your site you will provide it with a link to an XML file containing your albums in the structure the builder accepts. If your site restricts outside sites from accessing files, you will need to set up a cross-domain policy file.

5. What is a cross-domain policy file and when do I need it?

A cross-domain policy file is a file that gives access to some of your files to specified outside sites. By default, the ezpBuilder cannot access images and other media that are hosted on other web sites without receiving explicit permission to those resources. Therefore if you wish to use images hosted on your own site in the ezpBuilder you will need to add a cross-domain policy file. If you only wish to use the pre-configured sources such as the ezpservices uploader you will not need this.

To add a cross-domain policy file to your site you will need to create a simple XML file named crossdomain.xml that gives access to that contains the following XML:

	<allow-access-from domain=""/>

You will then need to put the crossdomain.xml file at the root of your site.. For instance, if your site is, then you will need to make sure the file is available at The file needs to be hosted on the site the photos are actually hosted on, so if you have the builder on but have your photos hosted on then it will need to be available on

6. What kinds of images does the ezpBuilder support? How big can images be?

The builder supports JPG images. Our uplaoder can also take in PNGs and convert them to JPGs. If a PNG has transparency layers they will be converted to be white.

Our upload service is able to handle the vast majority of user uploaded photos, but photos larger than 20MB in size may have issues. However this accounts only for a very small portion of the images users upload.

7. What versions of Adobe Flash do you support?

We support versions 10.3 and up.

8. How fast is your uploader? What are the maximum image sizes you support?

Our uploader uses Amazon's Simple Storage Service which provides fast and reliable service. However, speed will always vary by region and the user's connection speed.

9. Do you support Apple iOS devices?

Because the ezpBuilder is an Adobe Flash application we are not currently able to support iOS devices. We are however able to support Mac OSX systems.

10. I need to keep my original resolution images from being accessed by my users. How would I do this?

The ezpBuilder can deals with three kinds of images - the original high resolution image, the screen resolution image for configuring a product, and a thumbnail for the photo tray. To keep your original high resolution images inaccessible there are two options.

The first is to not give the builder the high resolution image URL when giving it the photos and then using the Automatic Content Replacement method described in the full documentation. This will allow you to replace screen resolution images by specifying the replacement images when you make your order XML.

The second option is to make the high resolution images protected so that they can only be accessed by authorized parties. This can be done by requiring a username and password to access them. EZPrints will need to be provided with the username and password as well as the hosting site URL in order to access images in this method.